It’s common knowledge that stress, particularly for extended amounts of time, can be extremely hazardous for your body. When you are afflicted by chronic stress, everything from headaches to severe muscle aches can be the outcome. But did you recognize stress can also trigger tinnitus, a ringing, buzzing, or clicking in the ears?
Tinnitus can be triggered by various different health factors, such as stress, sinus infections, or loud noises. Let’s take a look at some potential factors.
Unhealthy Stress – How to Recognize it
You may be wondering how stress lends to tinnitus. It’s often easy to neglect how serious the medical impact of stress can be on our bodies. Neglecting stress is a bad idea.
Healthy Stress
Stress that lasts a few minutes, or even several hours, can actually be helpful in accomplishing demanding tasks. Stress can give a boost of energy and adrenalin to complete tasks and projects that really need to get done.
There is a difference, however, between healthy, short-term stress and unhealthy, harmful stress. Healthy stress helps you reach a goal without damaging your body. Unhealthy stress is harmful for your body.
Unhealthy Stress
Usually, an irrational fear is the source of unhealthy stress. Unhealthy stress is generated when an individual stays in a heightened state of anxiety for a long period of time.
In dangerous situations, the fight or flight response is a normal reaction but it also is associates with unhealthy stress. Harmful physical symptoms happen when someone stays in a hyper-stressful circumstance for prolonged periods.
Unhealthy stress is frequently the result of worrying. The significance of a relationship or situation can often be exaggerated. We may have ourselves convinced that we did or said something to hurt our chances at a promotion. Excessive worrying can lead to intrusive, apparently uncontrollable thoughts.
Unhealthy Stress And Invasive Thoughts
We might believe that we are falling behind and failing to accomplish our everyday schedule. We may obsess, lecture ourselves, or even panic. If we don’t take a few positive measures to manage this stress it will keep wearing down our body.
Usually, unhealthy stress affects the upper part of the body by causing muscle tension and pain. The head, neck shoulders, and jaw are areas that can be impacted.
Jaw Tension And Anger
Have you ever heard someone express their anger as jaw clenching? Stress, anger, worry, and intrusive thoughts often come with jaw tension.
Sustained tension can put pressure on the delicate bones of the inner ear and eardrum. Over time, this strain can result in ringing in your ears.
Ear Strain And Sinus Infections
Sinus infections cause lots of undesirable symptoms, from a soar throat to a stuffy nose.
Sinus infections generate headaches, sinus pressure, and pressure in the ears. These issues can trigger ringing, buzzing, and clicking in the ears.
Nasal congestion often spreads to the ears when you have a sinus infection. Clogging in the ears and extreme pressure on the eardrum will develop because of the accumulated earwax this causes. And with this comes ringing in the ears.
You may not need to visit a hearing specialist if the ringing is the result of a sinus infection, as the symptoms could clear up on their own. But you should absolutely schedule an appointment with us if the ringing continues for more than a few days.
Prolonged Exposure to Loud Noises
Long-term ringing in the ears will most likely not happen as a result of the occasional concert. However, you may be putting stress on the fragile parts of your ear if you regularly expose yourself to intense sound.
When you expose your ears to loud noises frequently, your eardrums and the bones of the inner ears are put under a great deal of strain, which can result in buzzing, ringing, or clicking.
Beyond the intermittent ringing in your ears, exposure to intense sounds over a long period of time can result in temporary or permanent loss of hearing. It’s crucial to protect your ears from the elements and listen to music at a reasonable volume level.
Protecting Your Ears
Tinnitus isn’t something you should dismiss whichever one of these is causing it. It’s best to get your ears checked by a hearing professional regularly. If you think the ringing in your ears has a serious underlying medical cause, you should get them checked for your peace of mind.